Journalistic norms and climate-change beliefs across countries
Note: Data for the y-axis are from a 2010 Gallup survey (Ray and Pugliese 2011) that asked: “Temperature rise is a part of global warming or climate change. Do you think rising temperatures are (i) a result of human activities, (ii) a result of natural causes, (iii) both [if volunteered], (iv) don’t know/refused, or (v) not aware of global warming.” The y-axis is the share who answered (i) out of those who answered (i) to (iv). Data for the x-axis are from the 2007–2011 Worlds of Journalism Study survey of journalists. The x-axis is the average rating on a 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) scale of the statement “I always make clear which side in a dispute has the better position.” Sample is restricted to OECD countries.