Immunoblot of lysates from (A,B) MRAs (from control and heparin-injected rats) and (C,D) from aortas (E+, intact and E–, endothelium-denuded); effect of apixaban (APX) on PAR-2 protein level. Arteries were taken from rats injected with saline or 5,000 U/kg low molecular weight heparin 1 h before sacrifice. Arteries were incubated in physiologic salt solution for 30 min, with or without 10 μM APX and subsequently homogenized, subjected to SDS-PAGE, blotted and probed with a mouse monoclonal antibody for PAR-2. The blots were controlled for equal loading by probing with GAPDH rabbit polyclonal antibody; the presence of endothelium was checked by probing with Von Willebrand factor rabbit polyclonal antibody. The experiment was repeated three times; average densitometry values are reported in (B,D). ∗P < 0.05 versus Control; One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test.