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. 2016 Oct 20;2(1):62–84. doi: 10.1016/j.adro.2016.10.002

Appendix 2.

Definition of target volumes and planning target volume margins for EBRT in published clinical protocols

Protocol/reference(s) GTV and CTV PTV
MD Anderson: RCT of 70 Gy vs 78 Gy
Kuban, 200814
  • CTV = prostate and SVs

  • Conventional 4-field box, 11 × 11 cm for AP/PA fields, 11 × 9 cm for lateral fields, then reduce all fields to 9 × 9 cm

  • On 70-Gy arm, CT performed to confirm that margins from CTV to block edge were 1.25 to 1.5 in anterior and in dimensions and 0.75 × 1.0 cm in posterior and superior dimensions

PROG 9509 RCT of 70.2 Gy vs 79.2 Gy
Zietman, 201024
  • CTV = prostate + 5-mm margin

  • CTV + 7-10 mm

GETUG: RCT of 70 vs 80 Gy
Beckendorf, 200425
  • CTV = prostate ± SVs

  • Phase 1: prostate and SVs + 10-mm margin, reduced posteriorly to 5 mm

  • Phase 2: prostate alone with same margins

Dutch CKVO96-10: RCT of 68 Gy vs 78 Gy
Al-Mamgami, 200826
  • CTV = GTV
    • Group 1: prostate only
    • Group 2-3: prostate and SVs (for first 50-68 Gy), then prostate only for remainder
    • Group 4: prostate and SVs
  • CTV + 10 mm during first 68 Gy

  • CTV + 5 mm (except 0 mm toward the rectum) for last 10 Gy in high-dose arm

UK MRC RT01: RCT of 64 Gy vs 74 Gy
Dearnaley, 200727, 28
  • 64-Gy arm: GTV = prostate ± base of SVs (for phase 1 GTV)

  • 74-Gy arm: GTV =
    • Prostate + SVs (for phase 1 GTV)
    • Prostate ± base of SVs (for phase 2 GTV)
  • CTV = GTV + 5 mm

  • CTV + 5- to 10-mm margin

RTOG 0126:29 RCT of 70.2 Gy vs 79.2 Gy
  • GTV = prostate

  • CTV = prostate and proximal SVs (up to 10 mm); may be reduced to prostate only after 55.8 Gy

  • CTV + a minimum of 5 mm in all directions. Superior and inferior margins should be 5-10 mm depending on spacing of planning CT

RTOG 0924:30 RCT of high-dose RT ± pelvic RT in intermediate- and high-risk patients
  • GTV1 = all known disease on planning CT, urethrogram, clinical information

  • GTV2 = prostate + proximal SVs

  • CTV1 = prostate and SVs + LNs (obturator, external iliac, proximal internal iliac, common iliac) + 7-mm margins (excluding bone)

  • CTV2 = GTV2

  • PTV1 = CTV1 + 5-15 mm

  • PTV2 = CTV2 + 5-10 mm

  • Individual selection of PTV margin should be based on spacing of planning CT

CTV, clinical target volume; EBRT, external-beam radiation therapy; GETUG, Groupe d'Etude des Tumeurs Uro-Génitales; GTV, gross tumor volume; PTV, planning target volume; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SVs, seminal vesicles. Other abbreviations as in Appendix 1.

All studies listed use conventionally fractionated radiation therapy (ie, 1.8-2.0 Gy/fraction).