Appendix 2.
Definition of target volumes and planning target volume margins for EBRT in published clinical protocols
Protocol/reference(s) | GTV and CTV | PTV |
MD Anderson: RCT of 70 Gy vs 78 Gy Kuban, 200814 |
PROG 9509 RCT of 70.2 Gy vs 79.2 Gy Zietman, 201024 |
GETUG: RCT of 70 vs 80 Gy Beckendorf, 200425 |
Dutch CKVO96-10: RCT of 68 Gy vs 78 Gy Al-Mamgami, 200826 |
UK MRC RT01: RCT of 64 Gy vs 74 Gy Dearnaley, 200727, 28 |
RTOG 0126:29 RCT of 70.2 Gy vs 79.2 Gy |
RTOG 0924:30 RCT of high-dose RT ± pelvic RT in intermediate- and high-risk patients |
CTV, clinical target volume; EBRT, external-beam radiation therapy; GETUG, Groupe d'Etude des Tumeurs Uro-Génitales; GTV, gross tumor volume; PTV, planning target volume; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SVs, seminal vesicles. Other abbreviations as in Appendix 1.
All studies listed use conventionally fractionated radiation therapy (ie, 1.8-2.0 Gy/fraction).