Markov state modeling. (a) Free energy surface (FES) projected
onto the first two independent components of TICA (TICs) at a TICA
lag time of 750 ns. The centers of five metastable states obtained
by PCCA+ decomposition are superimposed on the contour plot. The area
of each circle represents its equilibrium population. (b) Network
representation of the MSM (lag time of 250 ns) coarse-grained onto
the five metastable states. The population of each state (π)
is indicated in the figure. The state number 1 (red) is the state
to which all the starting frames of the trajectories have been assigned,
thus we consider this macrostate to be the crystal structure-encompassing
state. The state number 4 (cyan) is the state with the highest population,
thus we label it as dominant state. c) Transition Path Theory (TPT)
analysis of the loop dynamics, i.e., the ensemble of reactive pathways
connecting the crystal structure-encompassing and the dominant state.
Reactive transitions probabilities (fluxes) are shown as rates (probability
per time unit) in μs−1. The guanine strands
connected by the loops are shown in gray lines. The ensemble of loop
backbone geometries contained in each state is shown by displaying
overlays of the most probable structures of the state (opaque lines)
on top of samples of the entire state (transparent lines) to show
both the intrastate conformational variability and the interstate
conformational differences. The most probable position of loop nucleotides
in each state is shown in licorice; PT1, PT2, and PA3 are shown in
green, yellow, and blue, respectively.