Fig. 5.
The OPSS318K+E319K variant is strongly hyperactive. (A) Representative seedlings of indicated genotypes, 7 dag. (Right) The phenotypic range observed in OPS ectopic overexpression lines. (B) A 28-d-old plant that ectopically overexpresses an OPS-CITRINE fusion protein. (C) Representative confocal microscopy images of PI-stained (red) root meristems for indicated genotypes, ectopically overexpressing fluorescently tagged OPSS318K+E319K (green). Note the correlation of phenotypic severity with expression level. (D) Root length of indicated genotypes at 7 dag (average of 6–12 independent transgenic lines per construct; n = 15 per line). Statistically significant differences (Student’s t test) as indicated for P < 0.001 with a = vs. ops; b = vs. brx; c = vs. brx ops; mean ± SEM. (E) Representative seedlings of indicated genotypes, 7 dag, showing the phenotypic range observed in indicated genotypes. (Inset) Close-up of the most severe phenotype frequently observed in lines expressing the untagged OPSS318K+E319K variant in a brx ops background.