Cep170 localization in cells with centrosome amplification. (A) U2OS/centrin-GFP (green) cells were stained with anti-Cep170 antibodies (red) and DAPI (blue): examples of Cep170 staining of only one centriole (see insets with centrosome enlargement) both before (top) or after (bottom) centriole duplication. Merge is shown on the right. Bar, 10 μm. (B) Cep170 staining (red) of U2OS/centrin-GFP (green) cells with centrosome amplification produced by HPV-16 E7 transfection (top), HU treatment (middle), or cytochalasin D treatment (bottom). Merge is shown in the right-hand panels. Insets show enlarged images of centrioles. DAPI is shown in blue. Bar, 10 μm. (C) Quantification of the number of Cep170-positive centrioles in cells showing abnormal centriole numbers after HPV-16 E7 transfection (top), HU treatment (middle), or cytochalasin D treatment (bottom). A total of at least 150 cells were counted in three independent experiments. Mean and SEs are shown.