Table 2.
HIV diagnostics in the context of AHI
Test | Advantages | Disadvantages | Cost (per test, USD)b |
3rd generation antibody (POC) |
4th generation antibody/antigen (EIA) |
4th generation (POC) |
Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT) technologiesa |
NAT technology (POC) |
awith and without pooling;
ŦRamos et al. propose a modified testing algorithm through which reduced signal-to-cutoff ratios would trigger confirmatory Multispot and NAT testing to increase sensitivity of 4th generation testing in detecting AHI. This ratio is determined using the signal strength of a sample compared to the signal strength of an internal cutoff with ratios ≥1.0 defined as positive by the manufacturer; LMIC – low- and middle-income countries; NAT – nucleic acid amplification testing; POC – point-of-care.
bData from Cheryl Johnson, co-author.