A: SE reduced the elevated protein expression of Iba1, representative blots for Iba1 and actin, and the results represent three independent experiments; B: The quantitative densitometric analysis of Iba1, and the results are presented as percentage of control (n=3); C: Retinal expression of Iba1 in STZ-induced diabetic mice, the representative pictures of retinal immunofluorescence staining of Iba1 and DAPI, and also the merge of Iba1- and DAPI-stained images are shown at the left (scale bars: 20 mm), the enlarged representative pictures of retinal Iba1-stained images are shown at the right (scale bars: 5 mm), red arrows indicate microglia cells. eP<0.001 compared to control; fP<0.001 compared to DM.