FIG. 3.
The four parameters describing the CS, as a function of applied force. The circles represent values calculated from experimental data taken at two different overall DNA lengths L. The coexisting torque τ and the slope of extension versus linking number q describe the coexistence of the plectoneme helix and the stretched phase. The values ℱ0 and x0 describe the extra free energy and extension necessary to form the end loop and tails of the plectoneme. All four values should be independent of length—we suspect the discrepancy in x0 between the two measured lengths could be due to sequence-dependence. Model predictions for our simulation and Marko’s model [3] are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively. The simple end-loop model uses average τ and q values from the experiment to predict ℱ0 and x0, shown as dot-dashed lines.