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. 2005 Mar-Apr;12(2):181–199. doi: 10.1197/jamia.M1637

Table 1.

The Five Petri Net (PN) Tools and Their Mathematical and Usability Capabilities

Genomic Object Net
Formalism SAN EDSPN HLPN Hybrid PN PN
Modeling features
    Hierarchy (transition decomposed into a net of [sub]processes) +
    Composition (several copies of a net interact) +
    Process duration is stochastic (e.g., exponential rate) + +
    Process duration is constant,>1 + + + +
    Continuous transitions (transition expressed as a differential equation) +
    Probabilities of conflicting processes (e.g., 80% of the time a malaria parasite pursues a non-sexual life cycle; 20% sexual) + Not working Not directly Not working
    Inhibition arcs linking a place to a transition represent transitions that are disabled when there are tokens in the linked input places + +
    Test arcs are like inhibition arcs, but firing the transition does not consume the tokens in the input places +
    Arc weight requires more than one item to flow from/to a place when a transition fires (e.g., 2P1 + P2→P3) Can be modeled by gates + + +
    Gates can be used to express complex marking changes when transitions fire +
    Colored tokens have data values; transitions in the net depend on these values +
Analysis types
    Boundedness (no infinite token accumulation); liveness (all transitions may fire) +
    Place invariants (set of places in which the total amount of tokens is constant); Conflicting transitions (enabled under same conditions) + +
    State space (number of different states) +
    Traps (once a token enters a trap place, it does not leave it) +
    Siphons (once a token leaves a siphon, it does not return to it)
    Token game (interactive simulation of tokens moving in net) + + +
    Performance measures + simulation/numerical analysis + + Not directly +
    Plots of simulation results + Not directly +
    Reachability (is a marking reachable from initial marking) Not working
Technical features
    Exchange format + + + +
    Operating system Windows, Solaris, Linux Linux, Solaris Solaris, Linux, HP-UX SGI-Irix Mac, Windows, Solaris Windows
    User interface ++++ +++ ++ ++++ +++
    Technical support ++++ +++ +++ +++
    License Free acd Free acd Free Free Free

EDSPN = extended deterministic and stochastic Petri Nets (immediate or expolynomially timed transitions in which at most one expolynomially timed transition may be enabled in each marking); SAN = stochastic activity networks; CPN = colored Petri Net; HLPN = high-level Petri Nets (color, hierarchy, time); acd = academic; Not directly = functions that can be defined in code but are not supported directly. The number of + signs indicates the level of support.