Table 1.
Evolution of M&E: 2002–2015
From | To |
Customized indicators for each grant | Standardized indicators by epidemic type; Attempts towards harmonization |
Input/process indicators in grants | Coverage, outcome and impact indicators |
Top 10 indicators | Core list of indicators to track key elements of national response |
Multiple standalone grants per country | Single stream of funding supporting the National Strategic Plans |
Grant monitoring focusing on the Global Fund supported activities | Tracking progress of national programs towards achieving impact |
Data disaggregated by age and sex not collected | Requiring data disaggregation by appropriate categories and analysis of sub-national data for ensuring strategic investments in right populations and geographic areas |
Ad hoc M&E investments, not coordinated with other partner efforts | Harmonized efforts with partners towards strengthening 5 key data systems including building analytical capacity |
M&E budgets in grants mainly focused on supervision and quarterly meetings | Focused investments towards strengthening data systems, analytical capacity and use of data for planning and management |
Focus on government led disease specific interventions and reporting | Inclusion of monitoring and evaluation framework for community, human rights and gender sensitive interventions |
M&E and data and service quality assessments seen as Global Fund requirements | Institutionalizing a culture of joint Health Facility Assessments and quality improvement in national programs ensuring country ownership and accountability |