Table 3. Nitrosoheme and total heme pigment content of cooked pork patties with PS.
Parameters | Treatments1) |
Control | T1 | T2 | T3 | NC | |
Nitrosoheme pigment (ppm) | 49.30±1.00b | 55.83±0.17a | 47.13±0.17c | 50.03±0.50b | 5.66±0.17d |
Total heme pigment (ppm) | 62.22±4.49b | 68.34±1.18a | 62.73±2.96b | 60.52±0.79b | 61.71±1.29b |
Cure efficiency (%) | 79.57±7.49ab | 81.71±1.30a | 75.24±3.80b | 82.66±0.24a | 9.16±0.20c |
All values are mean ± standard deviation of three replicates.
a-dMeans within a row with different letters are significantly different (p<0.05).
1)Treatments: Control-pork patties with 120 ppm sodium nitrite; T1-pork patties with 2% PS; T2-pork patties with 2% PC; T3-pork patties with 60 ppm sodium nitrite and 1% PS; NC- nitrite-free.