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. 2016 Dec 13;38(6):792–812. doi: 10.1002/job.2167

Table 1.

Summary of the core characteristics of the twenty included studies in the meta‐analyses.

Reference Doca type Setting Designb Duration (T1–T2; T3)c Intervention type Intervention style Core intervention components
Aikens et al., 2014 P USA, chemical company R 7 weeks; 6 months Health promotion Group Virtual mindfulness sessions, homework, progress tracking survey, e‐coaching
Angelo & Chambel, 2013 P Portugal, fire service R 4 months Leadership training Online and group Three day stress management workshop for supervisors with educational and action components
Biggs, 2011 T Australia, police service NR 7 months Leadership training Group Participatory action research—six workshops involving psychoeducation and cognitive behavioural therapy based skills training (topics included stress, social support, career development and work–life balance)
Biggs et al., 2014 P Australia, police service NR 7 months; Leadership training Group Action‐learning workshops over five days, involving education, a practical project and individual coaching
Calitz, 2010 T South Africa, social work NR 32 h; 1 month Health promotion Group Two days of group sessions covering work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout, stress etc.
Carter, 2008 T Australia, financial services RM 5 months; 8 months Personal resource building Group ‘Forum theatre’ (vicarious learning), ‘rehearse for Reality’ (role play), ‘entertainment education’ (DVDs of ‘actors’ participating in role plays)
Chen et al., 2009 P Israel, unknown organisation CR (units) 2 weeks; 10 weeks Personal resource building Group Conservation of resources (COR) intervention—five days of technical training before a new computer system was installed
Cifre et al., 2011 P Spain, manufacturing NR 6 months; 9 months Job resource building Individual Action‐research approach to redesigning supervisor's role, increasing employee awareness of job training completed, job training
Coffeng et al., 2014 P Finland, financial services R 6 months; 12 months Job resource building Group Combined social and environmental intervention—‘Vitality in Practice’ zones created (e.g. coffee zones, meeting zones), group motivational interviewing by team leaders, physical activity and relaxation encouraged
Hengel et al., 2012 P The Netherlands, construction sites CR 3 months; 12 months Health promotion Group and individual Individual training sessions to lower physical workload, rest‐break tool, group empowerment sessions
Imamura et al., 2015 P Japan, IT company RCT 3 months; 6 months Health promotion Online and individual Six week online cognitive behavioural therapy programme, voluntary homework and feedback from a Clinical Psychologist
Kmiec, 2010 T USA, manufacturing NR 90 days Leadership training Group Education, skills practice and self‐coaching via classroom teaching and online learning
Naruse et al., 2014 P Japan, Community nursing NR 6 months Job resource building Individual Skill‐mix intervention—nurses offered an assistant for community visits
Ouweneel et al., 2013 P The Netherlands, Various organisations NR 8 weeks; 16 weeks Personal resource building Online, individual Weekly assignments (e.g. goal setting)
Rigotti et al., 2014 G Germany, various NR 14 months; 20 months Leadership training Group Lectures including work and health, co‐operation and goal‐setting, leader training, including observations of leaders, feedback and coaching
Rigotti et al., 2014 G Sweden, unknown organisations NR 14 months; 20 months Leadership training Group As above
Sodani et al., 2011 G Iran, welfare organisation RMP Unknown Personal resource building Group Nine creativity learning group sessions focused on problem solving and perspective taking
Strijk et al., 2013 P The Netherlands, two academic hospitals R 6 months; 12 months Health promotion Group and individual Personal coach, yoga and aerobics, free fruit
Van Berkel et al., 2014 P The Netherlands, two research institutes R 6 months; 12 months Health promotion Group and individual Group mindfulness training, goal‐setting, homework, individual e‐coaching, free fruit and veg snacks, buddy system, supporting materials (e.g. web page, logbook)
Vuori et al., 2012 P Finland, various organisations R 1 week; 7 months Personal resource building Group Active learning, role playing, social modelling

Type of document: P = Published in a peer reviewed journal; G = Grey literature; T = PhD thesis.


Design: R = Randomised allocation at the individual level; CR = Cluster randomised allocation at the level of departments/units; RM = randomised matched groups; RMP = randomised matched pairs; NR = Non‐randomised allocation.


Duration: length of time between the pre‐intervention measurement (T1) and the first post‐intervention measurement (T2). T3 indicates the length of time between the pre‐intervention measurement and a further, follow‐up measurement for those studies which collected this data.