Table 1.
Summary of the core characteristics of the twenty included studies in the meta‐analyses.
Reference | Doca type | Setting | Designb | Duration (T1–T2; T3)c | Intervention type | Intervention style | Core intervention components |
Aikens et al., 2014 | P | USA, chemical company | R | 7 weeks; 6 months | Health promotion | Group | Virtual mindfulness sessions, homework, progress tracking survey, e‐coaching |
Angelo & Chambel, 2013 | P | Portugal, fire service | R | 4 months | Leadership training | Online and group | Three day stress management workshop for supervisors with educational and action components |
Biggs, 2011 | T | Australia, police service | NR | 7 months | Leadership training | Group | Participatory action research—six workshops involving psychoeducation and cognitive behavioural therapy based skills training (topics included stress, social support, career development and work–life balance) |
Biggs et al., 2014 | P | Australia, police service | NR | 7 months; | Leadership training | Group | Action‐learning workshops over five days, involving education, a practical project and individual coaching |
Calitz, 2010 | T | South Africa, social work | NR | 32 h; 1 month | Health promotion | Group | Two days of group sessions covering work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout, stress etc. |
Carter, 2008 | T | Australia, financial services | RM | 5 months; 8 months | Personal resource building | Group | ‘Forum theatre’ (vicarious learning), ‘rehearse for Reality’ (role play), ‘entertainment education’ (DVDs of ‘actors’ participating in role plays) |
Chen et al., 2009 | P | Israel, unknown organisation | CR (units) | 2 weeks; 10 weeks | Personal resource building | Group | Conservation of resources (COR) intervention—five days of technical training before a new computer system was installed |
Cifre et al., 2011 | P | Spain, manufacturing | NR | 6 months; 9 months | Job resource building | Individual | Action‐research approach to redesigning supervisor's role, increasing employee awareness of job training completed, job training |
Coffeng et al., 2014 | P | Finland, financial services | R | 6 months; 12 months | Job resource building | Group | Combined social and environmental intervention—‘Vitality in Practice’ zones created (e.g. coffee zones, meeting zones), group motivational interviewing by team leaders, physical activity and relaxation encouraged |
Hengel et al., 2012 | P | The Netherlands, construction sites | CR | 3 months; 12 months | Health promotion | Group and individual | Individual training sessions to lower physical workload, rest‐break tool, group empowerment sessions |
Imamura et al., 2015 | P | Japan, IT company | RCT | 3 months; 6 months | Health promotion | Online and individual | Six week online cognitive behavioural therapy programme, voluntary homework and feedback from a Clinical Psychologist |
Kmiec, 2010 | T | USA, manufacturing | NR | 90 days | Leadership training | Group | Education, skills practice and self‐coaching via classroom teaching and online learning |
Naruse et al., 2014 | P | Japan, Community nursing | NR | 6 months | Job resource building | Individual | Skill‐mix intervention—nurses offered an assistant for community visits |
Ouweneel et al., 2013 | P | The Netherlands, Various organisations | NR | 8 weeks; 16 weeks | Personal resource building | Online, individual | Weekly assignments (e.g. goal setting) |
Rigotti et al., 2014 | G | Germany, various | NR | 14 months; 20 months | Leadership training | Group | Lectures including work and health, co‐operation and goal‐setting, leader training, including observations of leaders, feedback and coaching |
Rigotti et al., 2014 | G | Sweden, unknown organisations | NR | 14 months; 20 months | Leadership training | Group | As above |
Sodani et al., 2011 | G | Iran, welfare organisation | RMP | Unknown | Personal resource building | Group | Nine creativity learning group sessions focused on problem solving and perspective taking |
Strijk et al., 2013 | P | The Netherlands, two academic hospitals | R | 6 months; 12 months | Health promotion | Group and individual | Personal coach, yoga and aerobics, free fruit |
Van Berkel et al., 2014 | P | The Netherlands, two research institutes | R | 6 months; 12 months | Health promotion | Group and individual | Group mindfulness training, goal‐setting, homework, individual e‐coaching, free fruit and veg snacks, buddy system, supporting materials (e.g. web page, logbook) |
Vuori et al., 2012 | P | Finland, various organisations | R | 1 week; 7 months | Personal resource building | Group | Active learning, role playing, social modelling |
Type of document: P = Published in a peer reviewed journal; G = Grey literature; T = PhD thesis.
Design: R = Randomised allocation at the individual level; CR = Cluster randomised allocation at the level of departments/units; RM = randomised matched groups; RMP = randomised matched pairs; NR = Non‐randomised allocation.
Duration: length of time between the pre‐intervention measurement (T1) and the first post‐intervention measurement (T2). T3 indicates the length of time between the pre‐intervention measurement and a further, follow‐up measurement for those studies which collected this data.