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. 2017 Jul 18;16:75. doi: 10.1186/s12940-017-0283-8

Table 1.

Cox regression analysis: Hazard Ratio (HR) for the development of arsenic-induced skin lesions by presence or absence of genomic deletions in different chromosomal locations. Combined analysis of total 2171 HEALS participants. Top genomic segments are sorted by chromosome

CNV genomic coordinates (GRCh37/hg19) cytoband length (bps) Freq_Del Nearest Gene Distance to Nearest Gene (bps)b HR (gene)a 95% CI (gene) p-value Bonferroni p-value Nearest reported CNV in DGV database Distance to Nearest reported CNV (bps)c
chr2:104,543,558-104,558,092 2q12.1 14,535 18.06% RP11-76I14.1 (+) 0 1.70 1.36 2.13 4.35E-06 0.005 chr2:104,593,605..104760102 35,513
chr2:104,558,092-104,568,449 2q12.1 10,358 18.06% RP11-76I14.1 (+) 0 1.70 1.36 2.13 4.11E-06 0.005 chr2:104,593,605..104760102 25,156
chr2:104,573,423-104,581,271 2q12.1 7849 18.70% RP11-76I14.1 (+) 0 1.67 1.34 2.10 7.05E-06 0.008 chr2:104,593,605..104760102 12,334
chr3:102,717,330-102,770,447 3q12.3 53,118 6.54% RNU1-43P (+) 108,357 2.11 1.53 2.91 5.08E-06 0.006 chr3:102,743,602..102752706 0
chr5:164,917,182-164,925,967 5q34 8786 5.62% CTC-535 M15.2 (+) 0 2.15 1.55 2.98 4.62E-06 0.005 chr5:164,849,860..164874815 42,367
chr5:164,925,967-164,939,621 5q34 13,655 5.80% CTC-535 M15.2 (+) 0 2.11 1.52 2.91 6.55E-06 0.007 chr5:164,849,860..164874815 51,152
chr5:164,939,621-164,956,122 5q34 16,502 5.85% CTC-535 M15.2 (+) 0 2.10 1.52 2.90 7.39E-06 0.008 chr5:164,849,860..164874815 64,806
chr5:164,956,122-164,973,175 5q34 17,054 5.62% CTC-535 M15.2 (+) 0 2.14 1.54 2.97 5.08E-06 0.006 chr5:164,849,860..164874815 81,307
chr7:151,708,046-151,713,498 7q36.1 5453 8.15% GALNTL5 (+) 0 1.88 1.40 2.53 3.07E-05 0.035 chr7:151,794,196..151797877 80,698
chr7:151,713,498-151,719,077 7q36.1 5580 7.97% GALNTL5 (+) 0 1.87 1.39 2.52 4.25E-05 0.048 chr7:151,794,196..151797877 75,119
chr7:62,764,248-62,830,796 7q11.21 66,549 15.98% VN1R31P (−) 0 1.69 1.34 2.14 1.19E-05 0.014 chr7:62,830,337..62835635 0
chr7:62,835,371-62,889,537 7q11.21 54,167 15.80% RP11-73B2.2 (−) 0 1.70 1.34 2.15 1.01E-05 0.012 chr7:62,864,828..62908102 0
chr7:62,889,537-62,990,599 7q11.21 101,063 16.12% PHKG1P2 (+) 0 1.70 1.35 2.15 9.35E-06 0.011 chr7:62,985,473..63249879 0
chr8:14,696,759-14,702,931 8p22 6173 11.98% SGCZ (−) 0 1.73 1.35 2.23 2.10E-05 0.024 chr8:14,697,130..14719288 0
chr8:14,702,931-14,710,309 8p22 7379 12.16% SGCZ (−) 0 1.72 1.33 2.21 2.65E-05 0.030 chr8:14,697,130..14719288 0
chr8:14,720,385-14,737,759 8p22 17,375 5.62% CTD-2023 J5.1 (−) 0 2.11 1.53 2.89 4.04E-06 0.005 chr8:14,680,345..14849094 0
chr9:40,824,400-40,839,148 9p13.1 14,749 11.05% ZNF658 (−) 0 1.83 1.37 2.44 3.96E-05 0.045 chr9:40,832,700..41365793 0
chr9:40,857,839-40,876,494 9p13.1 18,656 13.54% BX664608.1 (+) 44,448 1.72 1.33 2.23 3.88E-05 0.044 chr9:40,832,700..41365793 0
chr9:40,876,494-40,895,281 9p13.1 18,788 13.36% BX664608.1 (+) 63,103 1.74 1.34 2.25 3.40E-05 0.039 chr9:40,832,700..41365793 0
chr11:55,900,420-55,952,826 11q12.1 52,407 11.79% OR5J2 (+) 0 1.73 1.34 2.24 3.10E-05 0.035 chr11:55,962,241..55976332 9415
chr11:55,952,826-55,965,828 11q12.1 13,003 11.29% OR8V1P (−) 0 1.75 1.34 2.26 2.84E-05 0.032 chr11:55,962,241..55976332 0
chr15:23,938,636-23,943,758 15q11.2 5123 7.46% NDN (−) 6185 1.95 1.42 2.67 3.73E-05 0.042 chr15:23,973,556..23974955 29,798
chr15:29,061,004-29,089,826 15q13.1 28,823 21.10% GOLGA6L7P (−) 0 1.71 1.32 2.21 3.87E-05 0.044 chr15:29,066,490..29069430 0
chr15:29,089,826-29,154,407 15q13.1 64,582 14.14% APBA2 (+) 0 1.80 1.36 2.39 3.64E-05 0.041 chr15:29,093,623..29096097 0

aHazard Ratio if genomic deletion is present; Cox regression model includes genomic segment, gender, age, UACR - all dichotomized variables. The linc RNA regions are shown in bold font. b genomic segments with “Distance to nearest gene” >0 indicates that the segment doesn’t cover the gene, but it is close to that gene. c genomic segments with “Distance to nearest reported CNV” = 0 indicates that the identified CNV overlaps with known CNV repoted in the DGV database