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. 2017 Jul 19;6:131. doi: 10.1186/s13643-017-0527-2

Table 5.

Summary across reports of systematic reviews adhering to OQAQ items (N = 26)

Item assessed Item description No. of reports reporting adherence by item Adhering SRs Total SRs %
1. Information sources Were the search methods used to find evidence reported? 22 1027 1387 74
2. Search Was the search strategy for evidence reasonably comprehensive? 22 754 1370 55
3. Study selection Were the criteria used for deciding which studies to include in the overview reported? 22 1112 1387 80
4. Risk of bias in individual studies Were criteria used for assessing validity of the included studies reported? 22 499 1367 37
5. Synthesis of results Were findings of the relevant studies combined appropriately relative to the primary question addressed? 22 830 1387 60
6. Results: study selection Was bias in the selection of studies avoided? 22 740 1351 55
7. Synthesis of results Were methods used to combine the findings of relevant studies (to reach a conclusion) reported? 22 1005 1387 73
8. Limitations Was the validity of all studies referred to in the text assessed using appropriate criteria (either in selecting studies for inclusion or in analyzing studies that are cited)? 22 898 1363 66
9. Conclusions Were the conclusions made by the author (s) supported by the data and/or analysis reported in the overview? 22 1076 1387 78