Table 1.
Summary of substances tested as potential treatments for placental dysfunction in pre-clinical studies.
Treatment | Putative mode of action | Test system (s) | Dosing regime | Main outcomes of treatment (compared to appropriate control) | Reference |
Sildenafil citrate | Improved uteroplacental blood flow | See text | See text | See text | See text |
Adenovirus vector with VEGF | Improved uteroplacental blood flow | See text | See text | See text | See text |
Pomegranate juice (PJ) | Antioxidant | Women having normal pregnancy/placental explants and primary cytotrophoblast cells (cytos) | Women drank 8 oz/day PJ from 35 to 38 weeks gestational age (ga) to term. Explants 1% PJ in medium | Decreased placental oxidative stress in vivo and in vitro/decreased apoptosis/punicalagin key component of PJ | Chen et al. (2012, 2013) |
Tempol (superoxide dismutase mimetic) | Antioxidant | BPH/5 mouse model of pre-eclampsia | 1 mmol/L from 2 days before until end pregnancy | ROS levels reduced/reduced blood pressure/reduced proteinuria/fetal and placental weights restored towards normal | Hoffmann et al. (2008) |
eNOS−/− mouse model of FGR | 1 mmol/L 12.5–18.5 days ga | Fetal weight increased towards normal/no effect on placental weight/UtA end diastolic velocity restored to normal | Stanley et al. (2012a) | ||
Resveratrol | Antioxidant/enhanced NO bioavailability | COMT−/− and eNOS−/− mouse models of FGR | 4 g/kg in diet 0.5–15.5 days ga | Fetal weight increased towards normal in COMT−/− mouse only/no effect on placental weight/UtA minimum and maximum velocity improved towards normal in COMT mouse only/no effects on UmA velocity | Poudel et al. (2013) |
Melatonin | Antioxidant/melatonin receptor | Lipopolysaccharide induced fetal death and FGR in mice | 4 mg/kg orally in diet throughout pregnancy | Reduced fetal deaths and increased fetal weight towards normal/oxidative stress reduced | Chen et al. (2006) |
Ischaemia/reperfusion damage to placenta in rats | 20 µg/mL orally over course of I/R experiment only | Fetal weight restored towards normal/no effect on the reduced placental weight/improved placental mitochondrial respiratory control index/decreased placental oxidative stress | Nagai et al. (2008) | ||
Undernutrition induced FGR in rats | 5 µg/mL in drinking water 15–20 days ga | No effect on fetal weight but placental weight reduced so that fetal:placental weight ratio restored towards control values/restored birth weight towards control following normal delivery/upregulation of placental antioxidant enzymes | Richter et al. (2009) | ||
Nutrient restriction induced FGR in sheep | 5 mg supplement daily in diet 50 days – end of experiment | Data not easy to interpret: UmA blood flow increased irrespective of nutrient intake/no effect on UtA blood flow/fetal weight only increased when nutrition adequate | Lemley et al. (2012) | ||
Nutrient restriction induced FGR in sheep | As above | Increased fetal uptake of branch chained amino acids in maternal nutrient restriction | Lemley et al. (2013) | ||
Hypobaric hypoxia (high altitude) induced FGR in sheep | 10 mg/kg/day orally 100–150 days ga | Fetal weight and size further reduced/gestation increased/maternal antioxidant capacity increased | González-Candia et al. (2016) | ||
Sofalcone | Hemoxygenase-1 (HO-1) induction; antioxidant enzyme | In vitro study: Cytos and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) | 10, 20, 50 µmol/L in culture medium | HO-1 induced in cytos and HUVECs/decreased sFlt-1 production from cytos/suppressed endothelial dysfunction in HUVECs | Onda et al. (2015) |
Proton pump inhibitors | HO-1 induction/anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory/vasodilation | In vitro study: cytos, HUVECS and placental explants from women with severe early-onset pre-eclampsia. In vivo studies: sFLT-1 overexpressing and eNOS−/− mouse models of pre-eclampsia/hypertension | In vitro: 5–100 µmol/L lansoprazole, rabeprazole, esomerprazole in culture medium over 24 h. In vivo: 150 µg esomeprazole sodium i.p. daily | sFLT-1 and sENG secretion from cytos, explants and HUVECs reduced/endothelial dysfunction reversed/vasodilated maternal blood vessels and decreased BP in mouse models/increased antioxidant protein expression/decreased secretion of cytokines | Onda et al. (2017) |
Statins | Inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA) cholesterol synthesis pathway | Placental explants from early pregnancy | Cerivastatin 50 nmol/L, pravastatin 250 nmol/L in culture medium over 24 h | Proliferative effect of IGF-I and IGF-II on cytos prevented by both statins | Forbes et al. (2008, 2015) |
Mouse model of pre-eclampsia generated by lentivral vector-mediated overexpression of sFLT-1 in placenta | Pravastatin 5 µg/day i.p. from 7.5 day ga onwards | Blood pressure lowered/proteinuria ameliorated/sFLT-1 decreased/placental growth factor (PLGF) increased | Kumasawa et al. (2011) | ||
Mouse model of pre-eclampsia generated by injection of adenovirus carrying sFLT-1 (not placenta specific) | Pravastatin 5 mg/kg/day from 9 day ga | Placental PLGF and VEGF upregulated/markers of hypoxia downregulated | Saad et al. (2014) | ||
In vitro study: cytos, HUVECS and placental explants from women with severe early-onset pre-eclampsia. Clinical study: 4 women with pre-eclampsia at 23–30 weeks ga | In vitro study: pravastatin in 20, 200, 2000 µmol/L culture medium. Clinical study: women received 40 mg pravastatin daily | sFLT-1 secretion from all in vitro tissues reduced/increased sENG production from HUVECs/effect on sFLT-1 mediated via HMG-CoA pathway/clinical study showed data consistent with disease stabilization | Brownfoot et al. (2015a) | ||
In vitro study similar to Brownfoot et al. above | In vitro study: comparison of simvastatin, rosuvastatin and pravastatin at 0–2000 µmol/L in culture medium | Simvastatin most potent inhibitor of sFLT-1 from all cells/all increased sENG secretion/only simvastatin upregulated HO-1 expression by placental explants from pre-eclampsia | Brownfoot et al. (2016b) | ||
Perfused placental cotyledons and explants (21% and 1% O2) in vitro | 0.2 µmol/L pravastatin (twice the serum concentration of a 40 mg daily dose’) | No effects on sFLT-1 or PIGF secretion, or fetal perfusion pressure in perfused cotyledons/increased sFLT-1 secretion by explants under hypoxic conditions | Balan et al. (2017) | ||
11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) knockout mouse model of FGR | 20 µg/kg pravastatin i.p. daily from 6 day ga onwards | Fetal weight and placental weight increased/UmV blood velocity measurements normalized | Wyrwoll et al. (2016) | ||
C-1 | Nitric oxide induction, guanylyl cyclase activation/HIF1α inhibition | In vitro study: cytos, HUVECS and placental explants from women with severe early-onset pre-eclampsia | 0–100 µmol/L in culture medium 24–72 h | sFLT-1 and sENG secretion from cytos, explants and HUVECs reduced/endothelial dysfunction reversed/HIF1α expression by explants reduced | Brownfoot et al. (2015b) |
Metformin | HIF1α inhibition via blocking of mitochondrial electron transport chain inhibition | In vitro study: cytos, HUVECS and placental explants from women with severe early-onset pre-eclampsia | 0–1 mmol/L in culture medium 24–72 h | Similar results to YC-1: sFLT-1 and sENG secretion from cytos, explants & HUVECs reduced/endothelial dysfunction reversed/HIF1α expression by explants reduced. Evidence that effect via mitochondrial electron transport chain complex 1 | Brownfoot et al. (2016a) |
[Leu27] insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) | IGF-II receptor antagonist – increasing IGF-II bioavailability | eNOS−/− mouse model of FGR | 1 mg/kg/day sc 12.5–18.5 day ga | Reduction in number of FGR (<5th centile) pups | Charnock et al. (2016) |