Figure 5.
Mean percent freezing (±SEM) in a between-subjects 3-min post-shock test (A) or 24 h retention test (B) depicted for animals receiving PBS or muscimol 15 min prior to conditioning in sCFC (note change in y-axis scale across panels). Animals received either 3 min of context exposure (Delayed-Shock condition) or no context exposure (Imm-Shock condition) prior to the two footshocks. The Preshock bar (in A) represents freezing during the 3 min of context exposure before the footshocks. Infusion of muscimol into the mPFC prior to conditioning had no effect on freezing behavior measured in the post-shock or retention tests (Ps > 0.80). Animals receiving context exposure during conditioning (Delayed-Shock) froze significantly higher than animals receiving no context exposure prior to the shock (Imm-Shock controls, Imm-Shock). (**) P < 0.01.