Table 1.
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Alcohol Dependence (MBRP-A) Intervention: session summary.
Session | Content summary |
Week 1 Automatic pilot and relapse |
Introduction to mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based relapse prevention; being “present” versus on “autopilot”; relapse and mindfulness Practice: Raisin exercise; breath meditation; body scan |
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Week 2 Awareness of triggers and craving |
Common challenges in meditation practice; awareness of reactions to triggers and the tendency to judge our experiences; mindful response to relapse triggers, cravings, and urges Practice: Body scan; walking down the street exercise; urge surfing exercise; abbreviated mountain meditation |
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Week 3 Mindfulness in daily life |
Use of brief mindfulness techniques in daily-life situations; awareness of feelings and sensations that can arise in body and mind, including those related to craving and urges Practice: Mindful hearing (or “seeing”) exercise; sitting meditation (breath and body); mindful walking; SOBER minimeditation |
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Week 4 Staying present and aware (mindful) in high-risk situations |
Awareness of individual high-risk situations and sensations, emotions, and thoughts; being “present” and mindful during uncomfortable sensations, emotions, and thoughts Practice: Sitting meditation (breath, body, sounds, thoughts); SOBER minimeditation in a high-risk situation; mindful stretching |
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Week 5 Balancing acceptance and skillful, mindful action (change) |
Acceptance of unpleasant states of mind and body; acceptance of self; coping with problematic interpersonal interactions Practice: Sitting meditation with Rumi's poem; SOBER minimeditation exercise; mindful walking or mindful stretching |
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Week 6 Are thoughts facts? |
The role of thoughts and their relationship to relapse; understanding that thoughts are only thoughts and may not reflect facts; the difference between lapse and relapse; individual unhealthy thought patterns that may lead to relapse Practice: Sitting meditation (thoughts); mindful stretching |
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Week 7 Self-care and life balance |
Person-specific, early warning signs of relapse; coping behaviors; relapse prevention action plan; the importance of self-care and life balance, forgiveness and compassion for health and relapse prevention Practice: Lovingkindness meditation (or “Let go of struggle” meditation); mindful walking |
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Week 8 Balanced living: building support networks, continuing to live mindfully |
Life balance and mindfulness meditation as a way to maintain life balance; importance and creation of support networks; barriers to reaching out for help; reflection on the received training and ways to sustain mindfulness meditation practice; looking forward Practice: Body scan, concluding guided meditation |
Adapted with permission from [6]; SOBER = stop, observe, breathe, expand, and respond.