(a) The effect of motif composition on the steady-state motif frequency. Each data sequence label refers to the number of 1 and 0 monomers in the motif of length 5; e.g., ‘One 1’ is the average of steady-state motif frequency for simulations using 10000, 01000, 00100, 00010, and 00001 motifs. All possible motifs of length 5 are examined. (b) The same data displayed except for the ‘All 0’ and ‘All 1’ strands to better illustrate the contrast between patterned strands. (c) The effect of motif pattern on the steady state motif frequency for length 5 motifs with a single 1 monomer. (d) The effect of motif pattern on the frequency of compartments with motifs at steady state for this same set of motifs. Data sequences are the means of 50 trials of steady-state motif frequencies with 95% confidence intervals. All simulations are run with r = 0.05, N = 100, M = 100, and a maximum strand length of 7.