1. Does the citation indicate primary participatory research? |
1. Does the full‐text paper describe a participatory project showing high level of involvement/partnership with non‐academic partners, in at least two phases of the research, such as: (a) identifying or setting the research questions; (b) setting the methodology or collecting data or analyzing the data; (c) uptake or dissemination of the research findings. |
2. Does the citation indicate a health‐related intervention component to the research? |
2. Does the full‐text paper still indicate a health‐related intervention/action component, in balance with the research component? (i.e., An intervention component aiming to promote or improve health has to be an integral part of the research) |
3. Does the citation indicate a community setting? |
3. Does the full‐text paper still describe a community setting and community change targets? (i.e., A project aiming at environmental and system changes in the community) |
4. Does the citation indicate some form of description or information about the CBPR process? |
4. Does the full‐text paper describe a sustainable project, involving long‐term commitment from the partners and sustainability aspects such as spinning‐offs or institutionalization of effective strategies, incorporation or successful fund raising after the project? |
5. Does the citation indicate a paper in English? |
5. Does the full‐text paper provide enough description of the participatory research process or development? |