Figure 4.
Kinetic analysis of CaM‐CaMKII290−309 interactions. A, CaMKII290−309 was injected over immobilized CaM under ‐saturated conditions (left) and ‐depleted conditions (shown in insert, left). A reversible 1‐step model (Scheme 1) was fitted to the double‐referenced sensorgrams (green solid lines). The affinity was determined by fitting Equation 1 to the steady‐signals extracted from the double‐referenced sensorgrams (right). B, Simulation of the effect of different values of the mass transport coefficient (k t) on the kinetics of the CaMKII290−309‐CaM interaction under ‐saturated conditions. C, Effect of varying injection times (blue: 30 s, red: 60 s) on interactions between CaMKII290−309 and CaM under ‐saturated conditions