Example Bayesian posterior probabilities. A, B, Example of one VS lesion monkey's choices in one 80%/20% What block separated by the location chosen (A) and the image chosen (B) and plotted according to whether the choice was rewarded. Overlaid on top are the posterior probabilities for the monkey and for the Bayesian ideal (blue and pink, respectively). For A, the posterior probabilities for the Where block type are shown; for B, the posterior probabilities for the What block type are shown. C, D, Example of one control monkey's choices in one 80%/20% What block, separated by the location chosen (C) and the image chosen (D) and plotted according to whether the choice was rewarded. Overlaid on top are the posterior probabilities for the monkey and for the Bayesian ideal (blue and pink, respectively). For C, the posterior probabilities for the Where block type are shown; for D, the posterior probabilities for the What block type are shown.