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. 2017 May 8;7(5):e268. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2017.21

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of participants in the SLIMMER intervention (n=275)a.

  INT (n=139) CON (n=136)
Sex (n, %)
  Male 75 (54) 69 (51)
  Female 64 (46) 67 (49)
Age (years) 61.1±6.1 61.2±6.6
Education level (n, %)b
  Low 74 (53) 73 (54)
  Middle 39 (28) 26 (19)
  High 26 (19) 37 (27)
Ethnicity (n, %)
  Dutch 123 (88) 123 (90)
  Western non-Dutch 12 (9) 9 (7)
  Non-western non-Dutch 4 (3) 4 (3)
Family history of diabetes (n, %)
  No 46 (33) 57 (42)
  First degree 66 (48) 62 (46)
  Second degree 27 (19) 17 (12)
Smoking status (n, %)
  Yes 21 (15) 26 (19)
  Ex-smoker 86 (62) 78 (57)
  No, never 32 (23) 32 (24)
Clinical and metabolic risk factors
  Weight (kg) 89.5±17.0 87.8±15.2
  BMI (kg/m2) 30.2±4.5 29.9±4.8
Waist circumference (cm)
  Male 109.3±12.2 107.4±10.2
  Female 101.0±12.0 100.0±12.9
Fasting glucose (mmol l−1) 6.6±0.6 6.6±0.6
2-h glucose (mmol l−1)c 8.2±2.8 8.0±2.5
Fasting insulin (pmol l−1) 87.8±48.2 86.0±52.8
HOMA-IR 2.0±1.1 2.0±1.2
HbA1c (% (mmol mol−1)) 5.8±0.4 (40.3±3.9) 5.8±0.4 (40.1±4.0)
Total cholesterol (mmol l−1) 5.5±1.1 5.5±1.2
HDL cholesterol (mmol l−1) 1.5±0.4 1.4±0.4
LDL cholesterol (mmol l−1) 3.5±1.0 3.6±1.0
Triglycerides (mmol l−1) 1.7±0.9 1.6±0.8
Blood pressure (mm Hg)c
  Systolic 133.0±15.5 131.0±13.5
  Diastolic 77.5±10.7 75.6±8.7
Dietary intake
  Energy intake (kcal per day) 1986.3±576.1 2040.7±634.2
  Saturated fat (en%) 11.8±2.2 11.9±2.3
  Fibre (g per 1000 kcal) 11.0±2.6 11.1±2.4
  Alcohol (en%) 4.8±5.7 4.3±5.2
  Fruit intake incl. fruit juices (g per day) 186.1 ±119.9 206.5±140.0
  Vegetable intake (g per day) 149.3±96.6 137.8±84.7
  Fibre intake from total bread intake (%) 5.6±1.0 5.8±1.2
  Fat intake from total bread spread intake (%) 21.0±6.4 19.6±6.1
  Snack intake (kcal per day) 278.5±208.2 323.0±272.7
  Soft drink intake (kcal per day) 56.3±69.6 48.5±60.1
  Dutch Healthy Diet index (0–80 scale) 58.8±9.5 58.7±9.0
Physical activity (PA)
  Total PA (min per week) 2254±1337 2306±1232
  Light PA (min per week) 1307±1094 1331±970
  Moderate PA (min per week) 593±692 559±552
  Vigorous PA (min per week) 354±427 417±450
  Physical fitness (m)c 454.0±58.0 455.5±57.7
Quality of life
  Physical component score 50.1±8.2 49.8±7.9
  Mental component score 50.1±10.3 50.7±8.1

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CON, Control group; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HOMA-IR, homoeostasis model assessment insulin resistance; INT, Intervention group; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; PA, physical activity.


Data are n (%) or mean±s.d.


Education level was based on the highest level of education completed and divided in three categories: low (no, primary or lower secondary school), middle (higher secondary school or intermediate vocational school), and high (higher professional education or university level).


2- h glucose INT n=138, CON n=136; systolic blood pressure INT n=138, CON n=135; diastolic blood pressure INT n=138, CON n=135; physical fitness INT n=138, CON n=136.