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. 2017 Jun 22;8(6):e101. doi: 10.1038/ctg.2017.26

Table 1. Model variables (see Supplementary Table S6 for references).

Variable Baseline (range tested)
Disease progression
 Age (years) 50 (40–60)
 Cycle time 6 months
 Compensated cirrhosis prognosis
  Adjusted annual excess mortality of compensated cirrhosis 4% (1.8–8%)
  10-year survival of compensated cirrhosis 64% (43–80%)
  Annual probability of transition from compensated to decompensated cirrhosis 5% (3–8%)
 Decompensated cirrhosis prognosis
  Annual mortality of decompensated cirrhosis 28% (18–30%)
  2-year survival of decompensated cirrhosis 52% (49–67%)
 HCC prognosis
  Annual mortality of advanced HCC 75% (30–95%)
 HCC natural history
  Annual HCC probability 2.9% (0.5–7.0%)
  Annual probability of progression from small to advanced HCC 40% (20–70%)
 Probability of therapy
  Probability of HCC in compensated cirrhosis to be treated with surgical resection 40% (20–60%)
  Probability of liver transplantation for early HCC in compensated cirrhosis 20% (0–50%)
  Probability of local ablation for HCC in decompensated cirrhosis 40% (20–100%)
  Probability of treatment of early HCC after identification in compensated cirrhosis 69% (50–100%)
  Probability of treatment of early HCC after identification in decompensated cirrhosis 30% (0–50%)
  Probability of liver transplantation for early HCC in treatment-eligible decompensated cirrhosis 40% (0–80%)
  Probability of local ablation for early HCC in treatment-eligible decompensated cirrhosis 60% (20–100%)
 Prognosis after therapy
  5-year survival after hepatic resection for HCC 44% (38–51%)
  Perioperative mortality of hepatic resection 3.9% (3.7–4.5%)
  5-year survival after liver transplantation for HCC 70% (65–80%)
  Perioperative mortality of liver transplantation 4.3% (2.3–6.3%)
  5-year survival after local ablation for HCC in compensated cirrhosis 46% (32–77%)
  5-year survival after local ablation for HCC in decompensated cirrhosis 31% (27–40%)
  Perioperative mortality of local ablation 0.3% (0–1.8%)
HCC risk score
 186-gene-based risk score, proportion of each risk group High: 36% (0–50%) Intermediate: 37% Low: 27% (10–50%)
 186-gene-based risk score, annual HCC incidence in each risk group High: 4.9% (0.8–12%) Intermediate: 3.3% (0.6–8.0%) Low: 0.8% (0.1–1.9%)
 EGF genotype-based risk score, proportion of each risk group High: 14% (0–40%) Intermediate: 29% Low: 57% (0–60%)
 EGF genotype-based risk score, annual HCC incidence in each risk group High: 5% (2.5–10%) Intermediate: 1.8% (0.9–3.6%) Low: 0.4% (0.2–0.8%)
Screening and diagnosis test characteristics
 Probability of being screened for HCC 100% (15–100%)
 Reported probability of being screened for HCC 15% (5–60%)
 Probability of incidental early HCC in the non-screened group 30% (0–50%)
 Ultrasound sensitivity for early-stage HCC screening 63% (35–78%)
 Ultrasound specificity for early-stage HCC screening 91% (70–95%)
 Screening full MRI sensitivity for early-stage HCC screening 96% (80–100%)
 Screening full MRI specificity for early-stage HCC screening 94% (85–98%)
 Abbreviated MRI sensitivity for early-stage HCC screening 83% (70–95%)
 Abbreviated MRI specificity for early-stage HCC screening 93% (86–96%)
 Diagnostic MRI sensitivity for early-stage HCC 88% (78–92%)
 Diagnostic MRI specificity for early-stage HCC 94% (85–98%)
 HCC biopsy sensitivity 62% (50–100%)
 HCC biopsy specificity 100% (80–100%)
Costs ($) Medicare, National Impatient Sample
 Annual cost of compensated cirrhosis 1,220 (610–2,440)
 Annual cost of decompensated cirrhosis 15,000 (7,500–30,000)
 Annual cost after liver transplantation 14,600 (7,300–29,200)
 Annual cost of advanced HCC 41,320 (20,660–82,640)
 Cost of hepatic resection 42,540 (21,270–85,080)
 Cost of liver transplantation 177,000 (88,500–354,000)
 Cost of local ablation 3,650 (1,825–7,300)
 Cost of imaging-guided HCC biopsy 750 (375–1,500)
 Cost of ultrasound 143 (71–285)
 Cost of screening full MRI 528 (264–1,056)
 Cost of screening abbreviated MRI 313 (156–626)
 Cost of diagnostic MRI 528 (264–528)
 Cost of risk score 796 (500–4,000)
 Rate of discounting costs 3%
Quality-of-life weights
 Utility of compensated cirrhosis 0.8 (0.6–1.0)
 Utility of decompensated cirrhosis 0.65 (0.5–0.8)
 Utility after HCC diagnosis 0.3 (0.1–0.4)
 Utility after liver transplantation 0.73 (0.5–0.8)

AMRI, abbreviated MRI; EGF, epidermal growth factor; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.