Figure 1.
PRH and pPRH in normal breast, DCIS and invasive breast carcinoma. Representative images showing PRH and pPRH expression in normal breast (a and b: × 100 magnification), DCIS (c and d: × 200 magnification) and invasive carcinoma (e and f: × 200 magnification) determined using IHC. Total PRH was detected using the M6 monoclonal antibody at 1:2000 dilution (a, c, e). pPRH was detected using the YKN5 antibody at 1:3000 dilution (b, d, f) as described in the text. In b the inset shows the pPRH immunoreactivity of myoepithelial cells (M) and the weak pPRH immunoreactivity of luminal epithelial cells (E). (g, h) Show negative controls of normal tissue stained using mouse and rabbit IgG, respectively (× 200 magnification).