Figure 1.
Impression cytology of conjunctival surface of cases. (a) Impression cytology of the conjunctival surface of a control case showing conjunctival epithelial cells (grade 0). These cells are flat with a prominent nucleus and the nuclear cytoplasmic ratio is low; (b) impression cytology of the conjunctival surface of a patient with celiac disease showing the epithelial cells are slightly larger and goblet cells are fewer in number (grade I); (c) impression cytology of the conjunctival surface of a patient with celiac disease showing the epithelial cells are larger and goblet cells are markedly fewer in number (grade II); and (d) impression cytology of the conjunctival surface of a patient with celiac disease showing dysplastic squamous cells with increased nucleus: cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei (grade III; 100 ×, periodic acid Schiff staining).