Figure 2. Sox11 ablates alpha-RGCs and promotes axon regeneration from non-alpha-RGCs.
(A–D) Axon regeneration (A, B) and survival of alpha-RGCs (C, D) in KCNG4-Cre mice crossed with Thy1-fl-STOP-fl-YFP at 2 weeks post crush (wpc). alpha-RGCs and their axons are labeled with YFP. Regenerating axons distal to the crush sites (asterisk) are anterogradely traced by CTB (red). Retina whole-mount staining confirms there is almost complete ablation of YFP-positive alpha RGCs in Sox11-treated retinas (C, D). Scale bars in A and C represent 300 µm.
(E, F) Survival of Sox11-treated alpha-RGCs labeled by either crossing KCNG4-Cre mice with Rosa26-CAG-STOP-tdTomato or staining with an antibody against osteopontin (OPN). 4 weeks after AAV-Sox11 injection, few alpha-RGCs were observed either with optic nerve crush (2 wpc) or without crush. Scale bar in E represents 100 µm. Data are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 3–5). *** P < 0.001 (ANOVA with Bonferroni posttests).