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. 2017 Jul 20;7:6092. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05530-7

Table 4.

Vegetative growth, yield components and vine balance recorded on vines of SG (susceptible clone R10) and accession 72-096 (resistant). PF = partially sprayed. FS = fully sprayed.

Shoots/ vine Clusters/vine Cluster weight (g) Berry weight (g) Berries/ cluster Rachis length (cm) Cluster thickness (g cm−1) Yield/ vine (kg) Leaf area/vine (m2) LA/yield ratio (m2 kg−1)
PS-SG 8.0 13.3ab 257b 2.775a 113b 14.8 19.0a 3.413 2.9032 0.854
FS-SG 7.0 11.2b 303a 2.692a 131a 16.1 21.8a 3.402 2.5890 0.761
PS-Access 8.3 15.8a 184c 2.080b 99b 11.7 15.7b 2.915 2.9145 0.995
Significance ns * ** ** ns ** * ns ns ns

Cluster thickness is given as total fresh berry mass to rachis length ratio (g/cm). LA = leaf area

* and ** denote significant differences between treatments at P < 0.05 and 0.01 according to within column mean separation performed with SNK test and showed by small letters. ns = not significant.