Figure 5.
PTPRO rs61754411 genotype-specific intracellular signaling necessary for cell survival and proliferation after CSE and EGF treatments of human primary human bronchial epithelial cells. Human bronchial epithelial cells from individuals with no lung diseases bearing the PTPRO rs61754411-CG or -CC genotype (n = 2 of each) were cultured in air–liquid interface and treated with CSE for the times indicated (A–E). (A) Whole-cell lysates from treated cells were blotted for the EGFR subunits ErbB1 and ErbB2 and for the downstream signaling molecules Erk and STAT3. Blots above the blue line are representative of one unique individual, and blots below are representative of the other unique individual. As controls, PTPRO and β-actin were also analyzed. (B–E) Densitometry analysis (ratio of p-Akt to total Akt) was performed on these results. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. These same cell lines were cultured in monolayer and treated with recombinant human EGF for the times indicated (F–I). (F) Whole-cell lysates from treated cells were blotted for the EGFR subunit ErbB1 and for the downstream signaling molecules Erk and STAT3. Similarly, PTPRO and GAPDH were also analyzed as controls. (G–I) Densitometry analysis was performed on the blots shown in F for two unique individuals with PTPRO rs61754411-CC and -CG genotypes. Values are presented as a relative ratio of p-Akt to total Akt band intensity compared with those observed in basal, untreated conditions. *P < 0.05. For both treatments, the cells were starved with growth media without growth factor supplements for 4 hours before the treatment in growth media with reduced growth factor supplements (10% of normal culture conditions). Akt = protein kinase B; CSE = cigarette smoke extract; EGF = epidermal growth factor; EGFR = EGF receptor; ErbB1/2 = EGFR/human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2); Erk = extracellular signal regulated kinase; GAPDH = glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; p-Akt = phosphorylated Akt; p-Erk = phosphorylated Erk; p-STAT3 = phosphorylated STAT3; PTPRO = protein tyrosine phosphatase, type O; STAT3 = signal transducer and activator of transcription 3.