Table 1. Overview of clinical signs and histopathological findings in the affected horses.
Number | Breed | Age | Sex | Clinical signs | npE | npG | JD IB | IHC (BoDV) |
1 011407/15 | Austrian warm blood | 6 y | Mare | Constipation, colic, proprioception disturbances, circular movement, ataxia, disorientation. | +++ | + | (+) | +++ |
2 018072/15 | Shetland pony | 3 y | Mare | Depression, empty chewing/pipe smoking, proprioception disturbances, circular movement, ataxia, stringhalt. | ++ | ++ | ++ | +++ |
3 134407/16 | Noriker | 6 y | Mare | Apathy, depression, pipe smoking, swallowing disorders. | ++ | + | +++ | +++ |
4 135391/16 | Trotter | 10 y | Gelding | Initially fever (39.7 °C), loss of appetite, somnolence, ataxia, dyspnea, compulsive walking. | +++ | +++ | ++ | +++ |
Abbreviations: BoDV, Borna disease virus; IHC, immunohistochemistry; JD IB, Joest Degen inclusion bodies; npE, nonpurulent encephalitis; npG, nonpurulent ganglionitis; y, year; (+), single, +, mild, ++, moderate, +++, severe.