Figure 2.
MrBayes majority rule consensus tree built from complete mitogenome sequences (rooted with golden perch Macquarie ambigua, not shown). Numbers are Bayesian posterior probability >0.8 for each node. Letters in italic are labels of amino-acid replacements inferred to be under selection by TREESAAP, MEME, FUBAR and/or Codeml models (Table 2); letters without numbers indicate replacements affecting a single lineage, and letters with numbers indicate codons with replacements in multiple lineages across the phylogeny. The branches over which the nonsynonymous replacements occurred were inferred by TreeSAAP analysis based on ancestral sequence reconstructed for each node. Numbers and letters in italic indicate BEAST 95% highest posterior density (HPD) estimates of time to most recent common ancestor for major lineages and sublineages (nodes indicated by black circles; KY, thousands of years).