Aging does not alter levels of AIS proteins, total tau, and phosphorylated tau proteins. A, B, Amount of 480-kDa (A) and 270-kDa (B) isoforms of AnkG do not change between young, middle, and old rats. Note that the other isoforms of AnkG not analyzed are isoforms that are not AIS-specific. C, AnkG Western blottings were normalized to Ponceau S (C) staining for loading control. D, E, The amount of βIV-spectrin (D) and neurofascin (E) also remain unchanged during aging in rats. F, The level of axonal neurofilaments, as indicated by the SMI-312 antibody. The SMI-312 antibody is an axonal marker that labels phospho-neurofilaments in axons. SMI-312 levels are not changed with age, confirming that total axon content is similar across age groups. G, H, The total level of tau detected with Tau7 (G) and polyclonal R1 (H) do not change with age in the rat HP. I, The levels of PHF1, a phospho-epitope of tau, are not changed with age. J, The total levels of microtubules, labeled with βIII-tubulin, remained unchanged with advancing age. K, GFAP, an astrocytic marker known to increase with age, is significantly increased in the HP of old age rats compared to young and middle aged rats; one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc, *p < 0.05. L, Western blot band intensities are normalized to GAPDH, which did not change with age. All data are displayed as mean ± SEM.