Figure 2.
AAV-DTR transfection and expression in the CA1 subregion of the hippocampus. A, Expression of DTR-EGFP can be seen by immunohistochemical labeling with anti-EGFP antibody at two weeks posttransfection. The transfected area extends throughout the medial-lateral expanse of the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Arrows indicate the pyramidal cell body layer of CA1. B, C, Higher power images demonstrate cell-specific expression in the oriens and pyramidal cell layers. D, E, Putative synaptic densities can be seen as puncta in the bright fluorescent band of the SLM region, as well as puncta in the pyramidal cell layer surrounding putative principal cell bodies (asterisks). F-H, Representative images from serial sections from one mouse demonstrate the area of transfection of the dorsal-medial region of CA1. Some expression can be seen in the deep cortical layers. Images were taken from sections corresponding to bregma -1.34 (F), -2.18 (G), and -2.80 (H). The injection was targeted to bregma -1.85.