Fig 1. Superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical detection in PSII membranes deprived of Mn4O5Ca complex using EPR spintrapping spectroscopy.
EMPO-OOH adduct EPR spectra [A], time dependence of EMPO-OOH adduct EPR signal [B], POBN-CH(CH3)OH adduct EPR spectra [C] and time dependence of POBN-CH(CH3)OH adduct EPR signal [D]. PSII membranes deprived of Mn4O5Ca complex (200 μg Chl) were exposed to high light (1000 μmol photons m-2 s-1) for the period mentioned in the figure. Superoxide anion radical spin trapping was accomplished in presence of 50 mM EMPO, 50 μM desferal and 40 mM MES buffer (pH 6.5). Hydroxyl radical spin trapping was performed in presence of 50 mM POBN, 170 mM ethanol and 40 mM MES buffer (pH 6.5). Data represent mean ± SD of three experiments.