Figure 2.
Effect of pair feeding on markers of β-cell dedifferentiation. A: Average daily food intake per mouse. B: Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test after 4 weeks of pair feeding. C: Area under the curve (AUC) of intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test shown in B. D: Fasting plasma insulin in the different treatment groups after 4 weeks of pair feeding. E: Body weight in the various treatment groups during pair feeding. F and G: Representative images of Foxo1 (F) or Aldh1a3 (G) and insulin coimmunostaining in islets of the three groups. H: Number of Foxo1-positive/insulin-positive cells. I: Number of Aldh1a3-positive/insulin-positive cells. J: Total cell number per islet in the various groups after pair feeding. K: Representative image of glucagon/insulin coimmunostaining. L: Percentage of glucagon-positive and insulin-positive cells. Data show means ± SEM. (n = 6 for db/+, 4 for pair-fed R, 3 for pair-fed NR, and 6 for ad libitum db/db.) P values were calculated by t test for A–I and L and Mann-Whitney U test for J. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 between the denoted pairs. ad lib, ad libitum; Gcg, glucagon; Ins, insulin.