Cumulative incidence curves of the association between HbA1c over the 1-year prelude period and 1-year cardiovascular (CV) mortality in the Overall Cohort (A) and Restricted Cohort (B). Association between mean random glucose over the 1-year prelude period and 1-year cardiovascular mortality (C). HbA1c levels of <6%, 6% to <7%, 7% to <8%, and ≥8%, which are equivalent to <42, 42 to <53, 53 to <64, and ≥64 mmol/mol, respectively. Random glucose levels of <100, 100 to <150, 150 to <200, and ≥200 mg/dL. Analyses adjusted for case-mix covariates including the patient’s calendar quarter of dialysis initiation, age, sex, race, ethnicity, cause of ESRD, CCI, diabetes, CHF, and CVD.