Figure 5. Comparison of N-glycan compositions for wildtype and the MGAT5 knock-out HT-29 cells.
A. The abundance ratios of each N-glycan component versus total N-glycans were compared between wildtype and MGAT5-knockout cells. Refer to the Supplementary Figure 1 for glycan structure corresponding to each code (n=3). B-G. The relative abundances of several N-glycan types were compared in wildtype and the MGAT5 knockout HT-29 cells. The types of N-glycans investigated were tetra-antennary β1,6-N-acetylglucosamine (B), bisecting β1,4-GlcNAc (C), core-fucosylated glycans (D), poly-lacNAcylated glycans (E), sialylated glycans (F), and hybrid types (G). P-values for all comparisons were <0.001 except for core-fucosylated glycans (n=3).