Figure 5. Representative DCE-MRI data in one advanced HCC patient.
A. Post-contrast T1-weighted MRI at baseline and B. after 14 days of study treatment. Color Ktrans map of the tumors was greatly heterogeneous due to tumor necrosis and ROI was selected in the most enhanced tumor region. C. Corresponding color Ktrans maps at baseline and D. after 14 days of study treatment. Hypervascular area is shown in red. The selected ROI (black cycle ) for Ktrans measurement is indicated by white arrows, In this patient, the Ktrans values at baseline and after study treatment were 798.6×10-3/min and 206.6 × 10-3/min, respectively. E. The initial area under the gadolinium concentration-time curves (IAUC) at baseline F. and after study treatment from the same patient. The IAUC values at baseline and after study treatment were 1526.2 mmol/kg×s and 1376.1 mmol/kg×s, respectively.