Figure 5.
Representative single-channel current trace reflecting the PAMAM-G1 – α-HL interactions in 0.5 M KCl, at pH = 7. In panel a we show a typical electrophysiology trace reflecting the PAMAM-G1 – α-HL reversible blockades recorded at ΔV = +100 mV, in 0.5 M KCl and pH = 7, and the corresponding all-events histogram. The dendrimer (500 μM) was added on the trans side of the recording chamber. The zoomed-in trace in the inset depicts the blockade amplitude (ΔIblock) and the corresponding duration (τoff), for a single PAMAM-G1 – α-HL interaction event. In panel b we illustrate the ΔIblock vs. ΔV dependence (‘’ – ‘up-filled squares’) and that of the relative current blockade (ΔIblock/Io) vs. ΔV (‘
’ – ‘right-filled squares’).