Increase in PV+ Neuron Firing Rate in Response to the Acoustic Cue and Vibrotactile Trigger and at Reaching Onset
(A) Example paw trajectory (top) and simultaneously recorded spiking activity of a PV+ neuron (middle) and an RSU (bottom) during the task. From left to right: average activity aligned to the acoustic cue, vibrotactile trigger, and movement onset, as shown by the average PSTH and raster of spiking activity. The left inset shows, for a PV+ neuron, the average PSTH during photo-stimulation and, for RSU and PV+ neurons, the spike shapes and autocorrelograms.
(B) Scatterplot of activity at baseline versus post-acoustic cue, vibrotactile trigger, and reaching onset in PV+ neurons (cyan) and FSUs (blue). Saturated color shows significant firing rate modulation (abs(Z score) > 2), whereas light color shows non-significant firing modulation.
(C) Average population PSTHs of PV+ neurons (cyan) and FSUs (blue) that significantly increase (Z score > 2, see main text) their activity aligned to the acoustic cue, vibrotactile trigger, and movement onset. The shaded background shows SEM.
(D) Same as (B), but for RSUenh (red) and RSUsupp (orange).
(E) Same as (C), but for RSUenh.
(F) The proportion of responsive neurons showing a significant increase or decrease in firing rate in response to an acoustic cue (cue), vibrotactile trigger (trigger), and triggered reach (reach). The proportion of neurons responding to the vibrotactile trigger is significantly larger than that responding to the acoustic cue for PV+ neurons (Fisher’s exact p = 0.0096), FSUs (Fisher’s exact p = 0.0034), and RSUs (Fisher’s exact p < 0.0001). Significantly more PV+ neurons increased their firing rates in response to the vibrotactile stimulus than to reaching (82% versus 55%, Fisher's exact p = 0.0068).
(G) The proportion of neurons that was suppressed. At movement onset, significantly more RSUs were suppressed than PV+ neurons (Fisher’s exact p = 0.005) and FSUs (Fisher’s exact p = 0.0016). In addition, significantly more RSUs were significantly suppressed at movement onset (orange, “suppressed RSUs”) than in response to the acoustic cue (Fisher’s exact p < 0.0001) and vibrotactile trigger (Fisher’s exact p < 0.0001).
(H) Average firing rate of RSUsupp at reach onset.
See also Figure S5.