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. 2017 Jul 24;8:1188. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01188

Table 2.

Dimensions and category systems in the observation instrument for therapists and patients.

Dimensions Category systems Description
DYN Facilitating of conversation DYN = {FF, FO, RP, RT, QA, QC, QV} Facilitating of conversation. Suitable questions or requests to start or enhance dialogue; routines such as greetings and other conversational rituals; requests for clarification; verification questions; full or partial repetitions of a previous intervention in the form of a statement or a question; vocalizations indicating that the communication channel is still open.
FF = Phatic function. Vocalization indicating that the communication channel is still open. It indicates continued attention and cooperation, without the addition of new information. Typical vocalizations are “hmmn,” “hum,” or “aha.”
FO = Conversational routines or rituals, such as greetings or expressions of gratitude.
RP = Total or partial reproduction of a previous utterance in the form of a statement not a question. This could be an answer to a request for clarification or it could have a phatic function, such as, for example, when the speaker simply echoes what a person has just said, indirectly encouraging them to continue.
RT = Bringing back a topic of conversation. Intervention in which a participant brings back a subject previously brought up by another participant after a change of subject (CT) or interruption, thus making sure it is not forgotten.
QA = Expressive question. Request, question, or series of adequate questions to start or promote dialogue and keep the main topic of conversation flowing. The person gives the turn to another person and shows interest in them.
QC = Clarifying question. Question asking for clarification about what is happening. The person intervenes to clarify their own confusion and/or surprise in the form of a question. The speaker asks about a particular topic, doubt, or puzzlement, or about expressions, gestures, noises, or laughter he/she has not understood. It is a strategy used by the therapist when the adolescents are “doing their own thing.”
QV = Repetition of a previous statement in the form of a question. It is used to confirm what has just been said. It has a phatic function, as the speaker is conveying that the communication channel is still open. It can also be a strategy to emphasize a particular word or intervention.
MNT MNT = {MNT} Reflective function. Interventions focused on promoting thought, reflection, and understanding of oneself and one's relationships with others. They seek to stimulate the ability to understand what is happening in the minds of others. They are used by the therapist and can be directed at an individual or at the group as a whole. They include emphatic interventions, which put words to other participants' feelings.
EXP EXP = {RA EC CD RB} Expressivity. Interventions and answers manifesting the thoughts and/or feelings of the person speaking, adding new content to the conversation; short answers; sequences of words that continue the main subject of conversation; interventions that revisit subjects already dealt with.
DEF DEF = {RD_N_P CT} Defensive expressions. Interventions in which the participant avoids answering a previous question; verbalizations expressing the opposite of what has been said or done; projection of conflicts onto others; changing of subject.
DIS DIS = {ED PD} Dislike. Interventions expressing dislike, disagreement, distaste, or defiance.
ORD ORD = {ORD} Ordering. Prescriptive verbalizations, authoritarian demands (including exclamations).
HUM HUM = {R EO} Humor. Interventions with a clearly ironic/wry intention, jokes, jibes, and laughter.
CFR CFR = {CFR} Confrontation. Verbal interventions used by participants to express what they feel is happening in the group or see in some of their peers. They mirror the behavior of another. Peer feedback.
EX EX = {EX} Exclamation. Onomatopoeic word or words indicating a strong emotion of surprise, joy, or sadness.
S4 S4 Degradation of vocal behavior. Failed spontaneous interventions, interventions that progressively become weaker, abandoning of turn.
WHI WHI = {S5} Whispering. Talking in a low voice, with the intention of being heard by only a few people, establishing complicity. It leads to confused murmuring.
TO TO = {TO} Touching. Intentional physical contact with another person.
NOI NOI = {MO S2 S3} Noise. Noise or noises produced by a person, through their body (e.g., sneezing, burping, clapping), interaction with an object (e.g., chair, table, wall), or movement.
S1 S1 Surrounding noise. Sounds from outside the therapy room that are loud enough to be clearly heard.
Q Q = {Q} Silence. No words. Indicates no behavior.