Initiation of rigid paralysis on or prior to E5 led to reversals and
exaggerations of curvature, while paralysis from E4 led to significant
alterations in curvatures in five discrete locations. (A) Overlays
of curvatures in sagittal plane of control spines (blue, n=21), and
timed paralysis spines (E3–E9: red, n=8; E4–E9: brown,
n=10; E5–E9: green, n=9; E6–E9: purple,
n=8; E7–E9: grey, n=6; E8–E9: mustard,
n=5). All spines aligned to thoracic vertebra 1 (T1). Regions of
pronounced abnormal lordosis (green arrows) and kyphosis (purple stars) are
highlighted. Scale Bars 2000μm. P; posterior, A; Anterior.
(B) GC analysis of each group. Y-axis; 1/ radius of curvature,
represented by arbitrary units of length. GC>0 lordotic curve,
GC<0 kyphotic curve, GC=0 straight spine. X-axis; the
craniocaudal individual vertebrae. Significant differences in curvature were
found in spines paralyzed from E4–E9, * p≤0.05,
** p≤0.01. C; cervical, T; thoracic, L; lumbar, S;
sacral, Cd; caudal.