Table 1.
Assessment of Risk of Bias
Risk of Bias Domain | Criterion |
I. Selection bias | (1) Does the design or analysis control or account for >1 important confounding or modifying variables through matching, stratification, multivariable analysis, or other approaches? (Yes=1; No=0) |
II. Attrition and participation bias | (2) If attrition (dropout, loss to follow‐up) or high rate of refusal was a concern, were missing data or characterization of refusers handled appropriately (eg, imputation, descriptions of reasons for refusal and/or drop‐out, comparison of refusers vs nonrefusers)? |
III. Reporting bias | (3) Were potential outcomes prespecified by the researchers? Are all prespecified outcomes reported? |
IV. Detection bias | (4) Were the outcomes assessed/defined using valid and reliable measures, implemented consistently across all study participants? |
(5) Were confounding variables assessed using valid and reliable measures, implemented consistently across study participants? |