(a) Scatter plots showing H3K27 histone acetylation events (identified using SICER) (Xu et al., 2014) specifically induced by stimulation with IFN-γ (blued dots) or IL-4 (green dots) at 2h or 4h.
(b) Scatter plots showing inhibition of IFN-γ- (left panels, blue) or IL-4-stimulated (right panels, green) histone acetylation upon co-stimulation at 2 (top panels) or 4 hours (bottom panels). The Y-axis reports the -log10 of the FDR obtained by SICER when comparing acetylation in cells stimulated with IFN-γ or IL-4 with acetylation in unstimulated cells. The X-axis shows the log2 of the fold change in acetylation measured in stimulated vs. co-stimulated cells. (c) Density plots showing the effects of the co-stimulation on histone acetylation induced by IFN-γ (blue) or IL-4 (green) after 2 hours (top) or 4 hours (bottom). (d) ChIP-Seq snapshots showing representative genomic regions in which acetylation induced by one stimulus is affected (Nos2 locus, left) or not affected (Gpb3 locus, right) by co-stimulation. (e-f) Over-representation analysis of consensus TF motifs within regulatory elements induced by IFN-γ (e) or IL-4 (f) at the indicated time points.