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. 2017 Jul 20;5(7):2325967117717010. doi: 10.1177/2325967117717010


Linear Regression Model for Load to 2-mm Displacement

Estimate Standard Error t Value Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 32.320 3.538 9.135 2.88e-14c
Age 3.013 1.349 2.234 .02809
Sex, male 2.732 1.218 2.242 .02757a
Bone mineral density 2.619 5.682 0.461 .64596
 1st gen (Juggerknot) −2.646 1.332 −1.987 .05018
 2nd gen (Suturefix) 3.851 1.345 2.863 .00528a
Insertion sited
 Site 2 3.476 1.850 1.879 .06367
 Site 3 2.077 1.986 1.045 .29882
 Site 4 −1.514 1.884 −0.804 .42388
 Site 5 −1.677 1.841 −0.911 .36474
 Site 6 3.192 1.988 1.605 .11210

a P < .05.

b P < .01.

c P < .001.

dSites 2-6 correspond to the 2:30, 4:30, 6:00, 8:30, and 10:30 clock-face positions for anchor insertion, respectively.