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. 2017 Jan 17;129(13):1753–1762. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-06-724500

Table 1.

Prognostic risk factors relevant for HSCT eligibility and for outcome after HSCT

Prognostic risk factor Tools to measure risk factors in patients with MDS Outcome after
Nontransplant interventions, including supportive care HSCT
Patient related
 Age (chronological) Calendar, IPSS-R20 Age influences prognostic impact of disease-related factors20 Impact age influenced by other patient-related factors15
 Performance status (functional ability) Karnofsky status ≥ 80% Better survival after HSCT15
 Frailty (reduced physical fitness) Specific tools have to be tested in HSCT117 Fit patients better outcome12,16-18
 Comorbidities HSCT-specific CI (HCT-CI)14 Low CI better outcome13
Disease related
 Percentage of marrow blasts IPSS(-R), WPSS, WHO20,21 Related to prognosis20,21 Only impact if <5% marrow blasts22
 Cytogenetic risk groups IPSS(-R), WPSS, CPSS20,21,44 5 prognostic groups19 Only very-poor-risk29 and monosomal karyotype30
 Severity of cytopenias IPSS(-R), WPSS41,42 IPSS-R better prediction of prognosis compared with IPSS42 Only very-poor-risk group of IPSS-R prognostic
 Marrow fibrosis WHO criteria51 Severity fibrosis prognostic51 Severity fibrosis prognostic52
 Transfusions burden WPSS41,63 WPSS41 WPSS64
 FCM ELN FCM score25,27 ELN FCM score24 Not validated yet27
 Molecular mutations No specific tools yet34 Mutations in RUNX1, U2AF1, ASXL1, TP53, and others: poor prognosis34 Mutations in TP53, EZH2, ETV6 poor prognostic23,35
Disease status (after nontransplant treatment interventions)
 ESA failure High Epo levels, high transfusion intensity6,68 High Epo levels, high transfusion intensity6,68 No direct impact reported
 Lenalidomide failure Absence of 5q−5 Absence of 5q−5 No direct impact reported
 HMA failure HMA-therapy–specific risk score71 HMA-therapy–specific risk score,71 complex karyotype118 TET2 and TP53 mutations72,73 Best available treatment after HMA failure,76 but response status prognostic factor
 ICT MDS-specific risk score4 MDS-specific risk score4 Best available treatment available after failure of first-line ICT,70 but response status and remission duration prognostic factor31
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure