Figure 2. Adaptation and saturation modulate ORN responses to broadly distributed naturalistic stimuli.
(a). Ethyl acetate whiffs of similar size (top) elicit ab3 LFP responses (middle) and ab3A firing rate responses (bottom) with different amplitudes. (b) 2-butanone whiffs of similar size (top) elicit ab2 LFP responses (middle) and ab2A firing rate responses (bottom) with different amplitudes. Bar graphs in (a) and (b) show that ordering in LFP and firing rate response does not correlate with whiff amplitude, but correlates with the intensity of the preceding whiff. Colors on bar graph correspond to colors in time series on the left. Deviations in LFP (c) and firing rate responses (d) from the median response vs. mean stimulus in the preceding 300 ms. Deviations in LFP (c, inset) and firing rate responses (d, inset) from the median response vs. whiff amplitude. (e) Deviations from the median of LFP responses (positive deviations: red, negative deviations: blue) as a function of the amplitude of the previous whiff and the time since previous whiff. Positive and negative deviations are significantly different (, 2-dimensional K-S test). (f) Deviations from the median of firing rate responses (positive deviations: red, negative deviations: blue) as a function of the amplitude of the previous whiff and the time since previous whiff. Positive and negative deviations are significantly different, (, 2-dimensional K-S test on firing rate deviations).