Figure 4.
The inactivation of the Te2 cortex abolished LFP activity in BLA during the presentation of the first overall CS. Representative LFP traces recorded in Te2 (A) and BLA (B) around the first CS (dotted line). Descriptive spectrograms of Te2 (C) and BLA (D) of the overall first CS (8 s) in unpaired (n = 10), a conditioned (n = 12) and a TTX-treated rats (TTX-Te2; n = 9). Red arrows indicate the increased activity in the low-theta range in the conditioned animal. Low-theta activity in the TTX-treated group did not change with respect to the unpaired group in both Te2 (E) and BLA (F) (sign-rank, P > 0.05), while conditioned rats displayed an increased low-theta activity in both areas with respect to unpaired and TTX-treated rats (sign-rank, P < 0.05). All data are expressed as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.