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. 2017 Jul 25;8:1353. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01353

Table 1.

Predicted nitrate metabolism genes identified in this study.

Name and predicted function Putative annotationa B. pseudomalleib P. aeruginosa Nucleotide similarityc(%)
DNA-binding response regulator narL Bp1026b_I1013 PA3879 65.12
Nitrate/nitrite sensor protein narX Bp1026b_I1014 PA3878 65.00
Nitrate reductase (1)
    Gamma subunit narI-1 Bp1026b_I1015 PA3872 64.50
    Delta subunit narJ-1 Bp1026b_I1016 PA3873 72.54
    Beta subunit narH-1 Bp1026b_I1017 PA3874 75.88
    Alpha subunit narG-1 Bp1026b_I1018 PA3875 75.20
Nitrate/nitrite transporter narK-2d Bp1026b_I1019 PA3876 73.90
Nitrate/nitrite transporter narK-1d Bp1026b_I1020 PA3877 69.76
Nitric oxide reductase norB Bp1026b_I0974 PA0524 68.37
Nitrous oxide reductase nosZ Bp1026b_I1546 PA3392 68.47
Assimilatory nitrite reductase (NAD(P)H) (1)
    Large subunit nirB-1 Bp1026b_I2984 PA1781 76.39
    Small subunit nirD-1 Bp1026b_I2985 PA1780 69.23
Assimilatory nitrate reductase (1)
    Molybdopterin oxidoreductase family protein nasA-1e Bp1026b_I2986 PA1779 67.45
Nitrate/nitrite transporter narK Bp1026b_II1220 PA3870 59.89
Nitrate reductase (2)
    Gamma subunit narI-2 Bp1026b_II1222 PA3872 65.45
    Delta subunit narJ-2 Bp1026b_II1223 PA3873 65.60
    Beta subunit narH-2 Bp1026b_II1224 PA3874 78.55
    Alpha subunit narG-2 Bp1026b_II1225 PA3875 74.14
Assimilatory nitrate reductase (2)
    Large subunit nasA-2 Bp1026b_II1316 PA1779 66.77
Assimilatory nitrite reductase (NAD(P)H) (2)
    Small subunit nirD-2 Bp1026b_II1317 PA1780 64.53
    Large subunit nirB-2 Bp1026b_II1318 PA1781 62.74
Nitrate regulator nasTd Bp1026b_II1319 PA1783 61.92
Nitrate transport ATP-binding protein nasS Bp1026b_II1322 PA1786 68.54
Nitrite reductases
    Multicopper oxidase domain-containing protein nirSd Bp1026b_II1540 PA0519 60.60
    Anaerobically induced outer membrane protein nirKf Bp1026b_II1580 N/A N/A

aGene annotations determined using the Burkholderia Genome Database.

bLocus ID determined using GenBank Database (NCBI – in conjunction with the Burkholderia Genome Database.

cPercent identity determined using MUSCLE (Multiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation –

dNo clear annotations in Burkholderia spp.; Annotation from the Pseudomonas Genome Database.

eBP1026_I2986 and its homolog BPSL0510 (see Supplementary Material) are predicted orthologs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa assimilatory nitrate reductase NasA [see Andreae et al., 2014].

fGene specific to Burkholderia spp.