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. 2017 Jun 29;51(4):433–440. doi: 10.4132/jptm.2017.06.11

Table 1.

Clinicopathologic features of adenosarcomas arising from adenomyosis

Case No. (ref No.) Clinical feature Pathology Treatment Outcome Remarks
1 [15] Age: 51 yr Size: 4 cm Unknown Unknown -
Gyn hx: unknown Location: lateral wall of the uterine body
Clinical sign: unknown Micro:
Glands with no epithelial cell atypia
Sarcomatous component with cell pleomorphism and a high mitotic count
Accompanied by adenomyosis
Tumor marker: unknown
2 [13] Age: 20 yr Size: unknown Hysterectomy Two years after surgery, no evidence of recurrent disease Stromal overgrowth
Gyn hx: null Location: right anterolateral portion
Clinical sign: a longstanding history of menorrhagia and vaginal bleeding Micro:
Florid adenomyosis with extensive myometrial invasion, expansile growth within the myometrium, and intravascular invasion in the myometrium
Tumor marker: β-hCG 50–80 mIU/mL
3 [2] Age: 46 yr Size: unknown Myomectomy Unknown -
Gyn hx: para 1 Location: subserosal mass arising from the posterior surface of the uterus Additional TAH, BSO, and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy
Clinical sign: vaginal bleeding Micro:
Adenomyoma with focal predominant endometrial stroma and periglandular cuffs
Endometrial stromal cells in the periglandular cuffs showing mild and focal moderate cytological atypia with sparse mitotic figures, including an occasional atypical form
Tumor marker: unknown
4 [5] Age: 38 yr Size: 1.5 cm Exploratory laparotomy, TAH, LSO, and omentectomy Disease-free 30 mo after treatment Heterologous element (rhabdomyosarcoma)
Gyn hx: gravida 1, para 0 Location: right cornual area Adjuvant cisplatin, ifosfamide, and mesna
Clinical sign: chronic pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea Micro: 5,500 cGy to the abdominal wall
Irregular glands with benign epithelium surrounded by a hypercellular spindle cell stroma showing rare mitoses, mild nuclear hyperchromasia, and pleomorphism
Tumor marker
 CEA and AFP: normal
 CA125: 45 U/mL
5 [10] Age: 52 yr Size: uncheckable (no distinct mass formation) Radical hysterectomy with BSO and lymph node dissection and debulking of the pelvic mass Unknown Extrauterine pelvic mass (19 cm in diameter) diagnosed as adenosarcoma with rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation and stromal overgrowth
Gyn hx: gravida 3, para 3 Location: uterine fundus
Peri-menopausal Micro:
Diffuse adenomyosis with focal stromal expansion, consisting of a hypercellular proliferation of moderately atypical spindle cells with mitotic activity around benign endometrial glands and infiltrating the anterior myometrium
Clinical sign: none
Tumor marker
 CA125: 258 U/mL
6 [14] Age: 53 yr Size: unknown Unknown Unknown Developed breast carcinoma and received adjuvant chemotherapy including tamoxifen
Gyn hx: unknown Location: unknown
Clinical sign: unknown Micro:
Uterine adenosarcoma following an adenomyoma
Tumor marker: unknown
7 7 Age: 40 yr Size: 7.5 cm Laparoscopically assisted TVH No evidence of recurrence to date This case
Gyn hx: gravida 2, para 2 Location: uterine fundus Additional BSO
Clinical sign: sudden-onset suprapubic pain and initial low back pain Micro:
Dilated glandular elements and abundant, hypercellular stromal elements
Expansile growth within the myometrium with extensive myometrial invasion and focal infiltration with expansile margin into the subserosa
Focal involvement of adenomyosis
Tumor marker
 CA125: 5,000 U/mL
 CA19-9: 39 U/mL
 β-hCG, AFP: normal

Gyn Hx, gynecological history; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; Micro, microscopic findings; TAH, total abdominal hysterectomy; BSO, bilateral salpingooophorectomy; LSO, left salpingo-oophorectomy; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; AFP, α-fetoprotein; CA, carbohydrate antigen; TVH, total vaginal hysterectomy.